Christmas 2007
2007 December
Created by Kerry 16 years ago
Lucy's 6th Christmas in Heaven
December 2007
'When I think of you now at the age you would be,
My beautiful girl is the child I see.
My daughter you were, my daughter you'll always be,
Kept safe in my heart for eternity'
Dear Lucy,
Another Christmas without you. Another thought of how excited you would be now, waiting for Santa to come. Another wish that you could be here with us, and of course another forced look at the hard reality that we will never have you with us. Never know what life would be like if only you could still be here.
Almost 6 years on I think a lot of people think you don't matter anymore. Like you are just a distant memory from a time in our lives long ago. That simply isnt true though. Sometimes I can sit and the memories all start flooding back like it all happened yesterday and I quickly have to switch off because getting to the part where I held you in my arms as you 'fell asleep' is simply too painful to relive. My heart just breaks all over again.
Life has changed in so many ways since I lost you, but one thing that hasn't is just how much I love and miss you. Not a single day passes without a thought of you and nor would I want it to.
Happy Christmas my little Lucy. Love you always and forever
Mummy xxx
Christmas 2007 x